
Since many years we trust Moritz Hillebrand with all lighting aspects of our stores in Switzerland. Furthermore his photography is a core part of our corporate appearance. Thank you for the committed cooperation, which helps us everyday, to extend our position as Europe's biggest Tattoo- and Piercingstudio.

Giada Ilardo
Managing Director
Giahi Tattoo & Piercing


For ERCO, light is the fourth dimension of architecture. A building's lighting solution is perfect, if it, besides the functional aspects, adds creative value to architecture and enhances the using conditions for people. Documenting exactly that in pictures is an equally sophisticated task. ERCO as manufacturer of top-edge architectural lighting products attaches great importance to the correct reproduction of the quality aspects of light. Furthermore, besides architecture itself, people and their interaction with space are a key aspect of the reportage-based visuals. As a lighting designer with a journalistic background, Moritz Hillebrand is our ideal creative partner.

David Kuntzsch
Head of Marketing


As one Switzerland's leading studios, we visualize top-edge architecture and products.
We appreciate not just the panoramic landscape pictures for backgrounds, but especially the Fine Art photographies, which are add a lot of liveliness to homes, hotels, restaurants, meeting rooms and many other areas.

Christian Hungerbühler
Managing Director

COCC and coherent.

Together successful.
We create individual spaces for people and trust our partners; Moritz Hillebrand is our competence partner for lighting and photography. Light as crucial, but not physical ascpect of our projects demands an expert, who does not just master esthetics, but even lighting technology perfectly. Moritz Hillebrand accomplishes exactly that and furthermore holds the optimal image of the result.

Ralph Kellenberger
Creative Director / Partner
COCC and coherent.

Fischbach & Aberegg

We appreciate the talent for emotion arousing lighting designs for very personal retail, hotel and restaurant interiors. This attention to detail is also part of hightlights and technical implementations.
Architectural and Fine Art photography reflect this unique eye.

Tanja Fischbach & Christoph Aberegg
Fischbach & Aberegg


Taking pictures of light and luminaires in the context of architecture and interior design is a very challenging task, which is mastered by Moritz Hillebrand for us brilliantly.
His eye for space and perspective meets our high expectation, to picture perfect lighting solutions in projects featuring our products. As another added value, Moritz Hillebrand even contributes the editorial text content for our design awarded reference book "Global Impressions"!

Cordula Lübbehusen
Head of Marketing
RZB Lighting